(Sigh) It’s one of those questions I get asked a lot. In short, it began as a nickname and stuck. Over the years, it has meant many things to me - the artist formerly known as Donovan, the sometimes wedding & portrait photographer, and the guy who makes weird sh….err… stuff. However, lately, it’s come to mean something else. My boy is the one who drives me these days. I want to leave behind a body of work that he will enjoy. Hopefully, not some stuff shoved in a closet or just dumped off in a rubbish bin. I want him to see me working on my goals and dreams, how I work to achieve them, and then set new goals for myself. I hope that he sees his crazy old man was, in the end, chasing his dreams of making art. I hope to show him my failures and my successes in my pursuit. I hope to lead him by example. In the end, I hope for him. So, now 25 years later, after it all began, the answer to “Why Foto Dono?” It’s for him.
You can read more about my desire to give my son a cosmic perspective here.