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The Final Rest Stop

Updated: Sep 13, 2021

I took this photo during my 2017 Foto Safari, which led me to the panhandle of Nebraska. Before this trip, I had never been west of the Mississippi. We had stopped at this rest area, and when I looked to the West, it looked like a giant dragon laying its head down to rest for the night. I wonder when the dragon will wake up.

The butte was a fair distance away, so I ended up using my telephoto lens and created a panoramic from three images.

Settings ISO 100, f/4.0 1/1000 s

Equipment Nikon D610, Tamron 70-200mm f/2.8 G2

The image has been edited for social media. You can see a complete panorama at the following link -

The Final Rest Stop is available for a limited time as either an 8x28 or 11.25x40 Metal Print. Use the same link above if you would like a metal print. Also, use the code FOTODONO20 to save 20% when you place the order.

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